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Christian Bytes Launches

Written by: Jason A. Martin

January 14, 2020

christian bytes - Open Bible John 3:16

2020: It's a new year and perhaps a new season for those in Christ.

I'm happy to get Christian Bytes going today, but how did this come to be?

So there I was, late 2019, going about life per the usual. I had a great job at one of the top financial institutions in the world as a software engineer, made great money and was making all sorts of plans.

But there was a problem. For a bit now my relationship with Jesus Christ was weak.

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
Matthew 16:26 (NKJV)
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

Despite being a Christian for many years, I had drifted off the path and was in lukewarm territory. With each passing day, HIS voice grew more distant.

I was serving myself.

My relationship with Jesus Christ was on life support. I read my Bible minimally and prayed even less. Instead I filled my time with reading books on how to succeed, how to have your best life and other stuff.

Ironically, I just needed one book to tell me these things. And it's been in my possession for decades.

Thankfully, God got my attention, called me and brought me back to HIM.

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
John 10:27 (NKJV)
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

After re-opening my eyes, I looked around my life. Instead of seeing things of the Lord, I saw things of the World.

I had all the tech in the world in my office, but none of it was being used for real Godly purpose.

I had tons of games featuring false gods, featuring extreme violence, featuring sexual acts and featuring everything but Jesus Christ.

I had subscriptions to places, such as Netflix, which offer little to the Christian way of life.

I had iTunes purchases of 100+ movies and many of them featured extreme violence, cursing, sexual themes and so on.

Awake again, I started removing things from my home & digital life that were in direct violation to Jesus and I started looking to fill up my life with things of HIM.

I also started the process of removing the noise in life. The noise that keeps things of God hidden.

For example, I went to Spotify and removed some 200 playlists full of non-Christian songs and replaced them with a few Christian playlists. Now when I open Spotify, God is front and center.

When God's spirit is in you, you don't want things of the world. You want things of HIM.

Where you spend your time and money define you.

It was during this time of cleansing, as I was praying to God to show me something/anything I could do for HIM, that the idea for Christian Bytes came to me.

I wanted to write again, to use my tech ability for God and to help people, like you, fill your digital life with Jesus Christ.

Over time Christian Bytes will be filled with everything I can find that's good to help you have a more Jesus-Centered life.

It's my hope that Christian Bytes leads you to Jesus Christ (maybe for the first time) and that through the content on this site your relationship with HIM deepens. And I hope mine does as well.

And if you are reading this as a non-Christian, God loves you. We are all sinners and we all fall short of God's glory.

Just know that the only way into Heaven is through Jesus Christ.

None of us have lived a perfect life and many of us have done things we wish we wouldn't have, but nothing you've done will keep you from our Heavenly Father if you desire it.

All you need to do is confess your sins & invite Jesus Christ into your heart.

Don't put it off. Your eternity awaits. How do you want to spend it?

Pray today.

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
John 14:6 (NKJV)
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Word of God Bible Verse Callout
John 3:16 (NKJV)
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.