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Christian Bytes Podcast:
Living a Christ-Centered Life

Upcoming Podcast

I'm working on a developing a podcast that will basically be an audio version of the site plus some other goodies.

Not everyone wants to come to a website often to read, so this is a way to serve these people (maybe it's you).

The planned podcast will be a short-form broadcast (anywhere from 5 minutes - 20 minutes).

There will be Christian app reviews & updates, Christian media reviews & news, Biblical commentary and whatever else comes along. I'm just following God on this, so let's find out together.

At this time I'm setting up and testing recoding.

My hope is to have some sort of episode in August, but I'm also trying to setup video versions of the reviews too, so this may get pushed out slightly.

Look for more later in August 2021.

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
Luke 2:49 (NKJV)
And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?"