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Sons of Thunder: Deep Water Review (Season 1, Episode 5) Review & Thoughts

Written by: Jason A. Martin

August 09, 2020

pure flixsons of thundertv - Sons of Thunder Season One Episode Five - Deep Water : Pure Flix

Back on his hog, which was temporarily lost via theft in a sleepy Texas town last episode, Simon rides down to the Texas coast to see what God has in store for him.

Reading past here could spoil something!


The episode opens up with Simon, with barely two bucks to his name (quite literally), drifting into a Texas coastal town and finding some work with Leo who runs a boat charter business.

God always provides what we need and this opening scene shows just that.

Not sure how things will play out, Simon just keeps traveling the narrow path in Texas until suddenly God provides him with income and a place to stay.

Notice how God didn't speak to Simon to buy a lotto ticket with his last couple of dollars?

Instead God, knowing exactly what we need for the journey, asks Simon (and us) to simply keep going.

It's like God airdrops supplies along our way.

Aside from income and a place to stay, God also provided some company and a mission for Simon. And at the same time God is blessing Leo with a helper and someone to talk to.

And sometimes things don't go exactly as we plan or think they should, but we just have to trust in Him.

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
Mathew 6:26 (NASB)
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?

When Leo tells Simon that the job fell through, you could understand if Simon would be depressed and start questioning. But instead, Simon keeps walking in his faith in Jesus Christ.

He knows this simply wasn't the thing the Lord was providing, yet.

THE COUPLE - Sons of Thunder Season One Episode Five - The Couple : Pure Flix

So right away I could see this couple coming out of the building would be the target of the show (and perhaps a little annoying).

I liked when Simon said, "Oh Lord, not them."

He was like no way, but submitting to God doesn't mean doing only what we want when we want to do it.

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
Psalm 100:2 (CJB - Complete Jewish Bible)
Serve Adonai with gladness. Enter his presence with joyful songs.

So Simon decides he's going to help out the couple (who are now in the vehicle and about to drive off). And in brave fashion, he gets in front of the vehicle and asks them to stop.

Ok, be honest. How many of you would get out of the car if you saw Simon with his hand up in front of you? If I'm being honest, I'm going to get out, but I'll be primed for action.

Of course rather than Brett getting out, his wife Stephanie gladly jumps out to see what Simon wants.

I laughed so hard when Brett said, "I'm just going to say it, he's gonna murder you."

It's clear what Brett is thinking. I've got to wonder why he let his wife be outside of the vehicle on her own though and didn't jump out himself.

Eventually, they end up talking to Leo and chartering a boat to do some fishing, which thrills Stephanie to no end. But there's trouble in paradise.

Brett is clearly annoyed to tears about being out on the water and it looks like their marriage is on the rocks.

This is what happens when we become so selfish that we won't do anything we don't like, even with a spouse we pledge our life to.

I'll also add that the lack of good communication leads to all sorts of problems (have those tough conversations).

And this is what Simon picks up on as he shares:

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
Ephesians 5:25 (NKJV)
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church...

Sadly, Brett is a relationship bean counter. Each time he "does something for her," he adds a bean to the jar and then uses the jar to measure how "good" he is to his wife.

And yes, it goes both ways. If you want a marriage to last, you have to work hard at it and you have to approach it with a Godly view. I can tell you that approaching it from a worldly view just leads to destruction.

Rather than trying with unending love, people with a world view are quick to give up and leave when things aren't "perfect."

Should Brett be over the moon about fishing with his wife, Simon and Leo? I don't think so. I mean if you dislike something, you dislike it.

But Brett isn't trying nor is he seemingly content with just being with his wife unless its on his terms.

It's not about seeing to every last wish of your spouse as that would be foolish. It's about cultivating a Godly, serving relationship to each other.

Let us read Ephesians 5:22-33 as it pertains to a Godly marriage.

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
Ephesians 5:22-33 (NASB)
[22] Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. [23] For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. [24] But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. [25] Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, [26] so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, [27] that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. [28] So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; [29] for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, [30] because we are members of His body. [31] For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. [32] This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. [33] Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband.

I think this is a great passage of scripture and helps us have a solid relationship compass.

Later on in the episode Brett tells Stephanie that he got some reservations at the day spa and it's for her because he "likes doing things for her."

He does? What's he doing right now? It's not the action of someone who likes doing things for someone else. It's clear the spa is something he likes and Stephanie calls him out on it.

Again, nothing wrong with the spa, but the words and the actions don't line up. It might be better if Brett just said that he likes doing things with her, but he wants to do things he doesn't hate. At least that is honest and I'm sure Stephanie has similar feelings.

So if the two would actually communicate (talk TO each other verses AT each other), this relationship wouldn't be so rocky. Perhaps they could read Ephesians 5:22-33?

BE A MAN - Sons of Thunder Season One Episode Five - Stephanie Says Be A Man : Pure Flix

Down the road in this marriage dialog Stephanie says something that she has to know is going to be a trigger.

She tells Brett to "be a man."

Usually when someone says this, they are trying to project their views of something onto the person.

In this case, Stephanie believes men need to be aggressive and assertive.

My question to Stephanie is: was Brett like this when you were dating and when you married him?

And if so, why was it ok then but not now? Did you convey any of this beforehand?

"Hey Brett babe. Like I love you and all, you know that right? Who's my special boy? Listen, we're cool now, but in a couple years I need you to dial that aggressiveness to 11 for me. Think ya can do that? [slaps Brett on the butt]"

Brett is rightfully bothered by the "be a man" statement and immediately Stephanie doubles down by calling him "sensitive."

Ok, I know the murder details now and I'm ready to guess: it was Professor Stephanie in the Library with the Man Card (Clue game reference).

Soon we see the climax and they both just give up. It appears, sadly, that divorce is coming their way as Stephanie leads the way with "well, maybe sometimes I'd rather have a real man."

YES, YOU CAN JUST WALK AWAY - Sons of Thunder Season One Episode Five - Have Some Faith : Pure Flix

I just wanted to make a little section here about the flashback scene between Simon and Jackie.

There's been a shooting at the bar because the guy Simon showed grace to came back with a vengeance.

Jackie is telling Simon to stop all the sinning because he's saved now and Simon lashes out that "this isn't something you just walk away from."

Actually, yes it is.

We need to stop being so narrow focused in this life and look at eternity.

What we are doing here (and going through) is a trial.

Man's opinion and worldly requirements are of no concern. You most certainly can walk away from anything immediately and stop sinning.

In fact, if you are saved, Jesus Christ is with you and the Holy Spirit is in you.

Walking in sin isn't an option.

So no, you can't be a follower of Jesus Christ and still be a gang member, stripper, drug dealer or prostitute while you figure things out. You surrender and serve Jesus Christ and you stop your sinning (this applies to swearing, hurting people, etc).

Are we perfect? Nope. Will we sin again? Yep. The difference is we fight against sinning and we repent when we do sin. We don't ignore it, we don't relish it and we don't actively seek to engage in it.

Simon is speaking from fear and this is understandable, but as Jackie said, "have some faith."

We serve the creator of all things.

Word of God Bible Verse Callout
Luke 1:37 (CJB - Complete Jewish Bible)
For with God, nothing is impossible.


Eventually the crew approaches a boat that appears to be suffering engine failure. Not sure about you, but the first thing I thought about was the last episode.

And here we go again with helping people.

It's interesting that when they link up with the distressed boat Stephanie starts getting a bad feeling about the situation and Brett, now out to prove something, decides to go help out.

Soon enough Brett discovers the men are hiding drugs and the guns come out.

I was kind of surprised Simon attacked one of the men (Carl) since the other one had a gun and was on the other boat with Stephanie.

Despite the tense situation, Brett and Stephanie continue to jaw at each other. It's clear that there's some deep wounds between them.

One of the funny moments in this scene was Brett telling Simon that they should appeal to the guy's feminine side and Simon informing him that drug runners don't have a feminine side.

This is clearly a moment for Simon to take charge.

In the end though Brett comes through whacking the remaining drug runner, knocking him out. And probably proving he's a man to his wife in the process.

I imagine Brett and Stephanie went back home, got some marriage counseling and gave things another shot. And somehow I think they ended up taking that African safari.

Hopefully, they read Ephesians 5:22-33.

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